Avodah Studio

Web Design and Marketing Company

Responsive Web Design

How does your current website represent your business? Is it mobile friendly? Your website is usually the first impression customers have of your business, make sure it’s a good one!

Social Media

Are customers finding you online? Most people are on social media accounts multiple times a day. Making sure you have a presence on those websites helps increase interest in your business.

Search Engines

Is your business coming up in search results? One of the key elements to ensuring your website is reaching your clients is Search Engine Optimization. Make your website works for you.

Google Ads

Google Ads and Google Analytics work together to generate more traffic to your site. Adwords increases the visibility with use of ads and Analytics is used to see how your ad is working.

Website Managed Hosting

At Avodah Studio I make sure websites are regularly updated, backed up and secure while including content maintenance and support with Managed Web Hosting packages. If your company does not have the time or expertise to maintain a website after it is complete, it’s very important to make sure you have that in place. Regular maintenance, security and content updates are important on any website!

Marie Hickerson


Avodah Studio Web design

Avodah Studio

ETHICS: Work should be done ethically and with passion. I truly strive to treat my clients the way I would want to be treated. Therefore incorporating the meaning of Avodah (to live a seamless life of work, worship, and service) with significance, meaning, and spirituality in the work I do.

MISSION: To help businesses gain and maintain a strong online presence. In today’s technical world it has become vital for companies to not only have an online presence but to maintain that presence. Not all businesses have the expertise or especially the time to keep up with the ever-changing digital world. That’s where I come in! Let me focus on your online presence so you can focus on your business.

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Contact Me Today, I Would Love to Hear From You

I feel the best way for me to get to know my client's business needs and goals is to hear it straight from the client. So let's meet!

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